by | Dec 7, 2023 | Mortgage FAQ

Hey friends, diving into the mortgage game? It’s a bit of a rollercoaster, and believe it or not, the small stuff matters a lot. For example, did you know that splurging on a shiny new car could throw a wrench into your mortgage dreams? That’s right – I’ve seen it happen.

Qualifying for a Mortgage?

I put together this blog post to help you get the lowdown on what not to do when you’re qualifying for a mortgage. Here are six things that can impact your credit score and debt-to-income ratio, affecting your mortgage eligibility.

1. Job Stability Matters:

While career changes can be tempting, maintaining stability during the mortgage application process is crucial. Lenders love stability, so swapping jobs during the mortgage process might raise a few eyebrows.

2. Credit Card Caution:

New credit card offer burning a hole in your inbox? Hold off! Opening new credit lines might be tempting, but it could throw a curveball at your credit score and mess with that all-important debt-to-income ratio that lenders look for.

3. Postpone Major Purchases:

Dreaming of a shiny new car or Insta-worthy furniture? Hold off until after securing your mortgage. Big buys before you get the green light can shake up your debt picture, influencing loan approval.

4. Missing Bill Payments:

Consistent and timely bill payments are vital for a healthy credit profile. Late payments or defaults can significantly impact your credit score, signalling to lenders a potential risk in managing financial commitments. Maintain a track record of on-time payments to bolster your creditworthiness.

5. Draining Your Savings:

While a substantial down payment is encouraged, completely depleting your savings is not advisable. Lenders appreciate borrowers who maintain a financial safety net, demonstrating responsible financial management. Strive to strike a balance between a robust down payment and retaining sufficient savings.

6. Co-Signing Loans:

Being a good friend and co-signing a loan? Admirable. Doing it during your mortgage hustle? Maybe not the best idea. Lenders look at all your financial ties, and co-signing could throw a wrench into your mortgage dreams.

Personal Guidance to Qualifying for a Mortgage

Qualifying for a mortgage demands financial prudence and thoughtful planning. By steering clear of these common pitfalls, you enhance your chances of securing a mortgage. For personalized guidance tailored and a streamlined mortgage qualification process Contact me today! 


Sandra Forscutt

📞 780-905-6359 


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